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buku ulumul hadits pdf download In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful. Praise be to Allah who has blessed us with knowledge and granted us wisdom. He created Adam from clay and made him dwell in Paradise where he brought forth with his hands all that was meant for him to eat; then he created Eve from a rib taken from his side and with her he conjoined by marriage those who were destined to live together in this world and in Paradise: for she is honored above all women of creation. He created the animals of the earth and the water on them, and on the Day of Judgment He will create on them an animal for each group of people. He brought forth with his hands all forms on earth, whether on land or sea. Everything in the heavens and everything in the earth belongs to Him, He is controller over all things. He sends down water from the sky, then it becomes flesh for you to eat. Afterwards it is food for cattle, then it becomes tanners' leather tills your clothes are worn out with weariness until there is no weariness for you except that which you put upon yourselves. He gave you space to turn right and left and taught you the use of everything. He is aware of what occurs in heaven and upon earth; He sees what you do. There is no doubt about the creation of the heavens and the earth, but most people do not know how they were created. He knows whether your hearts are disobeying Him; indeed He is forgiving and merciful. He has laid out for those who disbelieve in his prophets and whom he had sent as warners before you, the torment of hell as an example, that it might lead them to repentance; but if they turn away then Allah is aware of evildoers. He sent Noah to his people, saying: 'I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so whosoever follows me will be helped.' They said: 'We shall not believe in you.' He said: 'My Lord knows that which you show off and what you hide.' Thus the disbelievers were destroyed by what they were trying to hide. Noah called upon his Lord and said: 'My people, no longer shall I remain at ease with you; give me an heir who will worship Allah alone, for the command has fallen upon me, so obey Allah and fear Him. I do not ask you any wage for this: my wage is from Allah: and I am not overbearing. I know what you conceal and what you show off.' He said: 'My Lord, I have settled some of my offspring in the land, so they join me in prayer and contribute to my family. So give me from Yourself a noble son who will command righteousness and be among the foremost in prayer!' He said: 'Bring him to Me!' Then when he had brought him, they prayed over him; then when they had ended; Thou sent down upon him [Noah] peace of protection. Thy blessings descend in silence on Thy creatures. cfa1e77820